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      Jagiellonian Univ. Life Science Centre


      Krakow, , Poland


      AD Artis

      Jagiellonian University, established in 1364, is the oldest university in Poland and one of the most historic universities in the world. The construction of the Life Science Center in 2005 comprises the creation of specialist infrastructure related to research in life sciences. Central to the project is the construction of a laboratory and office building with an underground garage and total area of approximately 8,090 sqm.

      The Life Science Center fosters cooperation between the Jagiellonian University and business ventures and makes capital investments in innovative projects and companies. Furthermore, it also promotes the city of Kraków as an ideal place for developing life science by offering labs in the Jagiellonian Life Science and Technology Park facilitating research on biotechnology, biomedicine, chemistry, biochemistry, pharmacology, biophysics, physics and environmental protection.